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Access MVPs – The Full List 2023-2024

Updated: Jul 17

In July the big (re)nomination round for Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) takes place. On this occasion, I am posting here a list of the current one-year appointed Access MVPs for general information.

What do you get from MVPs? For one, they answer questions about Access in their communities, give or organize presentations, run websites, write blogs, etc. On the other hand, MVPs have direct contact with the Access team at Microsoft. Therefore, they can report bugs and other concerns, and thus are a kind of bridge between the Access community and Microsoft.

All 3000+ current MVPs can be found on Microsoft's MVP website and I link to the profiles here for details. The problem is that a few years ago, Microsoft decided to stop specifying exact areas of expertise, and instead list less descriptive, broader categories. Since then, you can't just search for "Access" as award category to filter for Access MVPs, because they're just a small part of the "M365 Apps & Services" category. That's another reason why this list of the current 18 worldwide Access MVPs might be of interest.

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