So far, we know of 6 Access conferences in 2024, which is more than in recent years. Five are on-site events in different countries and languages, one is virtual/online. Most are organized by Access MVPs. Here they are, ORDER BY EventDate:
Access Day March 15
Location: Redmond, WA, USA
Language: English
Organizer: J Street Technology
Armen Stein, president of JStreet:
Join us for a one-day conference packed with useful presentations on how to use Microsoft Access more effectively. We’ll have expert speakers on a variety of topics – check our website for details and subscribe to our mailing list!
April 2024 Conference April 9
Location: London, UK
Language: English
Organizer: UKAUG
A one-day on-site conference in the tradition of the UK Access User Group events with several presentations.
Access Devcon April 18+19
Location: Online in MS Teams
Language: English
Organizer: Karl Donaubauer
Karl, president of Sievering:
We will be covering all the new developments in the Access area and showcasing various tools and initiatives. If you want to be sure to stay up to date, you can sign up for the DevCon interest list to be actively informed about the agenda and the registration start.
Evento de Desarrolladores de Access May 9-12
Location: Valencia, Spain
Language: Spanish
Organizer: Juan José Luna Aleixos
Juanjo Luna, president Access User Groups España:
The event will take place in a hotel on the beach where you can enjoy the sun and the sea. You will have the opportunity to meet other Access friends from different countries and share your experience and knowledge with them. There will be talks about Access, but also about other technologies for data analysis and processing, although the focus of the event will be on Access.
AEK 26 October 19+20
Location: Nuremberg, Germany
Language: German
Organizer: Karl Donaubauer
Karl, president of Grinzing:
The presentations, pictures and downloads (hundreds of slide decks and sample files) of our traditional Access developers conference can be found on the history/download page. There is also an AEK interest list to stay actively informed.
Autumn 2024 Conference November 20
Location: Oxford, UK
Language: English
Organizer: UKAUG
A one-day on-site conference in the tradition of the UK Access User Group events with several presentations.
If you know of other Access conferences in 2024 somewhere in the world, then please inform us and the community in the comment section below.